The Association is managed by a County Committee in accordance with its Constitution and Policies which are available on this website. Not less than five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum which must include two of the following; Chairperson, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer.
The Committee consists of the following voluntary roles and those who hold these positions with the exception of the President are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting:
The President is an independent non-voting member of the Committee. They can be asked for their advice or opinions but they do not have a vote on Committee matters. They are responsible for chairing the election of the Chairperson at the Annual General Meeting. They, together with the Chairperson, represent the County at internal and external events.
In case of emergency any two of the; Chairperson, Hon. Secretary or Hon. Treasurer shall have the full powers to act on behalf of the Association but must report such actions to the Committee.
The Chairperson is responsible for planning for the County’s future and managing the efficient running of the County day by day. They are responsible for health and safety and share this with all other Committee members. They are the contact for all the executive and Committee members and they organise, chair and prepare the agenda for Committee and general meetings. They, together with the President, represent the County at internal and external events
The Hon. Secretary is the official correspondence contact between the County and the clubs; between the County and the regional and national bodies also the public. They make sure minutes are taken and correspondence is dealt with and properly filed for future reference. The postal address of the Association is that of the Secretary.
The Hon. Treasurer is responsible for maintaining proper books and accounts so that a complete and accurate financial record is kept to the satisfaction of the Committee, the members and the Auditors as well as undertaking approved payments and grants.
The County Affiliations Officer is responsible for collecting interim, half-year and annual membership fees from the Clubs for the County and for maintaining a database clubs in the Association, direct memberships and honorary members. This responsibility can fall under the Hon. Treasurer.
The County Coaching Organiser (CCO) is responsible for coaching qualifications and renewals also planning coaching schemes for the County to ensure that all archers have access to a Coach. They ensure that coaching courses are run and that Coaches have the opportunity for development both within their current grade and to higher grades. They also arrange for help from inside or outside the County, when required, for the furtherance of development of coaching or individual archers or teams. They have a direct line of responsibility to the Regional Coaching Organiser and whilst a County responsibility ArcheryGB coaching staff support them. They are also a Representative for Coaches on the Committee.
The County Disability Officer maintains a link between disability archery members and the Committee and acts as a facilitator to bring disability archers together across the County so that they can discuss issues and ways in which they can improve accessibility as well as develop disability archery in the County. They maintain links with the County Safeguarding Officer, the County Team Manager, Region and ArcheryGB and other bodies in relation to disability archery matters. They ensure that all disability archery members have access to coaching and the opportunity to develop and progress in archery. They are a Representative for disability archers on the Committee.
The County Equipment Officer is responsible for maintaining an inventory of the shooting equipment, including its suitability for use, and County held assets also advising the Committee of any requirements for new or replacement of existing equipment. They provide access for authorised personnel to the County store. They also control the issue and return of the equipment including timing lights they also manage the stock of County medals and trophies.
The Judges’ Liaison Officer (JLO) advises the Committee on archery matters relating to judging, maintains links with all the judges in the County and the Judge Liaison Officer for the Region. They help clubs as needed to find Judges for competitions and are the point of contact for archery range registrations and assessments. They have a direct line of responsibility to the national Judging governing body. They are also a Representative for County Judges on the Committee.
The County Records Officer maintains the highest scoring junior and senior shooting records submitted by Association members and records any scores for awards. They advise the County Team Managers on those eligible to shoot for the County teams and advise County Tournament Organisers of current records held. They have a direct line of responsibility to the Regional Records Officer. They are also a Representative for club Records Officers on the Committee.
The two Regional Council Representatives (one of whom should normally be the County’s Hon. Secretary under GWAS clause 26) are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to sit on the Grand Western Council as County Representatives. A deputy may be nominated for each elected Representative and the County retains its full voting power provided that at least one such Representative is present at the Council meeting (GWAS Clause 27).
The County Safeguarding Officer (CSO) is the first point of contact for any Club or direct member who has welfare concerns. They advise the Committee on any issues that may need policy reviews or disciplinary action. They have a direct line of responsibility to the Regional Safeguarding Officer and are concerned with monitoring our adherence to the Child and Vulnerable Adults Policies and with ensuring that all clubs have a Welfare Officer and maintain their Child Protection Policies. They are also a Representative for club Welfare Officers on the Committee.
The County Archery Team Managers (Senior and Junior) oversee the formation and development of their teams. They liaise with the Committee, the County Coaching Organiser, the Records Officer, the Tournament Organiser and the Judge Representative and the Judge Liaison Officer. They maintain contacts with other County Team Managers in general and specifically within the Region to ensure the smooth and fair running of competitions. They are a Representative for County Team Members on the Committee.
The County Tournament Organisers are responsible for organising County level competitions including the County indoor and outdoor competitions, arranging Judges and field teams, collecting scores and announcing results and records the holders of trophies also ensuring the return of trophies by the previous year’s winners.
Other Roles
The Association also has the power to fill casual vacancies and may co-opt additional Committee members as it may deem fit with a right to vote.
In addition to the standing Committee the Association can also set-up ad hoc Committees as it shall deem fit.
If you are interested and would like to see what is involved in volunteering, without any commitment please contact us via our Contact Form