Dorset & Wiltshire Archery Association

GWAS InterCounties Tournament 2015

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

GWAS InterCounties Tournament 2015

DWAA were 3rd placed Team on the day.
The Compound Team Trophy for a team of 2 Yorks and 2 Herefords was won by DWAA – Mark Rudd, Steve Newton, Erin Prior and Kay Smith
The Awdry Trophy for the highest scoring Lady Recurve was won by Rachel Vines
The Chippenham Archers Salver for the highest scoring Lady Compound was won by Erin Prior


Ladies Recurve
Rachel Vines
Caroline Lawrence
Janice Reynolds
Michelle Orme
Vicky Burden

Gents Recurve
John Prior
Ian Colley
Dave Wakefield
Piotr Kolakowski
Roger Seymour
Blake Spykerman

David Reynolds

GWAS InterCounties Tournament 2015

Ladies Compound
Erin Prior
Kay Smith
Pauline Burrfitt

Gents Compound
Mark Rudd
Chris Groom
Steve Newton
John Setchfield
Tony Smith

Ladies Longbow
Jayne Cottee
Wendy Wills

Gents Longbow
Michael Yeates
John Hayes

Filed under : County News